AmCham concerned with preferential treatment of POEs
The American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo said in a statement on Wednesday that it is deeply concerned regarding the continued preferential treatment of publicly owned enterprises by the Kosovo government in violation of the legal acts.
“Throughout the past years—specifically in 2016, 2019, and 2020—AmCham has repeatedly raised concerns about the discrimination against privately owned enterprises in favor of public enterprises, particularly the erroneous application of provisions for “in-house” purchases, which allow public authorities to procure services from publicly owned enterprises in violation of constitutional provisions and the Law on Public Procurement.”
“The ongoing promotion of services and products of the state-owned mobile operator, contrary to the Law on Publicly Owned Enterprises, remains a significant issue. AmCham reminds state stakeholders that Article 13, paragraph 13.1 of this law stipulates that every publicly owned enterprise and its officers and directors shall be subject, without exception, to the same laws, regulations, and sub-normative acts that govern privately owned business organizations.”